Rosen Method Referrals
There are many wonderful Rosen practitioners all over the world, and here are some resources to help find them.
Practitioner Referrals and Rosen Method Schools:
The Rosen Institute has worldwide listings, including for the United States, but only of practitioners who are dues paying members of the Institute, so if you are looking for someone in your area you might also just want to do an internet search.
The Berkeley Center, which is where Marion Rosen taught and where I trained primarily, has a list of practitioners who graduated from that center here and lots of information about workshops and intensives on their website:
The Open Center holds intensives and workshops on the east coast, in the New York area and has links to practioners and information about their trainings here:
Los Angeles:
My waiting list is long, and I am not going to have room for new clients for quite a while, but there is no reason to wait to begin your journey toward more ease and joy.
In the Los Angeles area, I want to strongly recommend my long term friend and colleague Meg Butler, who is a Rosen Method teacher as well as a wonderful practitioner and who is coming down regularly from Santa Barbara to LA to provide sessions.
"Meg Butler has been using Rosen Method's listening touch and reverent curiosity to help clients find their own path to wellbeing by exploring the connection between their habitual tension and their inner landscape since beginning her internship in 1998. Meg is now a faculty member of Rosen Method; the Berkeley Center. For more info visit www.megbutler.com"
And if you are south of LA, Carlos Messerschmidt has been practicing in Orange County for many years. I do not know his work but the people I have sent to him have been very happy with it. https://www.myopaincenteroc.com/rosen-method
Once I have room for you in my practice, you can decide if you still want to try sessions with me, as well as working with Meg. It is always beneficial to have Rosen sessions from different practitioners, as everyone’s work is individual and nurtures in different ways.
Lastly, I would like to list some of my teachers and teaching practitioners who I have worked with directly and think are wonderful, so if you are lucky enough to be in their area, please look them up. This list is by no means exhaustive, simply those who I know best and whose work I love:
First among those is my sister, Julia Wittich, who is a marvelous Rosen, Somatic Experiencing and Conscious Uncoupling practitioner in upstate New York/Pennsylvania border 2 hours north of NYC.
Julia Wittich: Rosen Method Bodywork practitioner, Rosen Movement Teacher
Email: rosenbyj@ptd.net Website: http://www.rosenbyjulia.info/about-julia.html
Odile Atthalin: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Berkeley, CA
Email: odile@lmi.net Website: rosenmethod-odile-atthalin.com
Gloria Hessellund: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Berkeley, CA ( Gloria was my supervisor and is a wonderful practitioner and teacher. You can find information about her on the Berkeley School website at https://www.rosenmethod.com/faculty
Email: anglory@sbcglobal.net
Valerie Luoto: Certified Rosen Teacher, Ukiah and Santa Rosa, CA
Email: valerieluoto@yahoo.com
Website: http://www.rosenwithoutborders.com/
Jane Pittsinger: Certified Rosen Teacher, P.T., San Mateo, CA
Email: janep.ray@hughes.net
Bill Samsel: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Santa Cruz, CA
Email: bsamsel@cruzio.com Website: www.billsamsel.com
Sara Webb: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher and Director of Rosen Method at the Berkeley Center, Berkeley, CA
Email: sarawebb@value.net Website: sarawebb.net
Alan Fogel: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Author, Founding Editor of the Rosen Method International Journal
Salt Lake City, UT. Alan's website has a huge amount of useful scientific information and Rosen articles.
Email: fogel.alan@gmail.com Website: http://www.alanfogelrosenmethod.abmp.com/
Karen Roeper: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Berkeley, CA
Email: karen@ielephant.com Website: www.essential-motion.com
Theresa Garcia: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Senior Movement Teacher, San Francisco, CA
Email: ttygarcia@aol.com Website: www.RosenMethodSF.com
Ann Ehringhaus: Introductory Bodywork Workshop Teacher, Carrboro, NC
Email: aeocracoke@gmail.com Website: www.thewellnessalliance.net
Elizabeth Smith: Introductory Bodywork Workshop Teacher, Annandale, NJ and NYC
Email: esmithforrosen@gmail.com Web: www.ESmithforRosen.com
Heather Brown: Senior Rosen Bodywork Teacher, Movement Teacher, New York, NY
Email: heatherbrown.rosen@gmail.com Website: www.rosenmethodopencenter.org
Linda Frisone: Introductory Workshop teacher, Santa Fe, New Mexico
Website: https://www.lindafrisone.net/index.html
Institutes and Training:
If you want to learn more about the various schools and trainings and get an in depth sense of the difference in the various schools, here is a link from the Rosen Institute which lists schools worldwide. Contacting a school directly to find out if there are any Rosen Interns practicing in your area is also a good way to get low cost sessions.
Schools in the U.S:
The Berkeley Center: www.rosenmethod.com
Monterey Bay Rosen Center: www.rosenwest.org
Rosen Method Open Center: www.rosenmethodopencenter.org
List of international schools available here:
In addition to in person sessions, there are now numerous online resources that are also very effective in teaching Rosen skills for relating to yourself. People are benefitting enormously from them, and we are discovering new and delightful ways to use Rosen method, thanks to the pandemic.
The Berkeley Center is hosting some wonderful online gatherings for beginners as well as those with experience. https://rosenmethod.com/courses/
The British School also has a number of excellent online offerings: https://www.rosenmethod.co.uk/